NC legislature– saving us from tyranny

Good to know that NC’s Republicans are taking a stand on the evils of expecting everybody to have a background check before buying a gun and other such steps on the road to serfdom and tyranny:

RALEIGH, N.C. — On a party-line vote, the House Rules Committee on Tuesday approved a resolution opposing any push for more gun control at the federal level.

House Resolution 63, sponsored by freshman Rep. Michael Speciale, R-Craven, says (as amended) “The House of Representatives expresses support of the constitutional right of the people of this State to keep and bear arms and opposes any infringement by the federal government of the right of the people of this State to keep and bear arms.”

“We right now have an out-of-control federal government,” Speciale told the committee.  “We here in the North Carolina General Assembly are the last bastion of hope [emphasis mine] between citizens and an ever-encroaching federal government.”

“Last bastion of hope”?!  Good, God– get a grip.  What an embarrassment this legislature is.

About Steve Greene
Professor of Political Science at NC State

3 Responses to NC legislature– saving us from tyranny

  1. Deborah Ferry says:

    Funny how in the gun control argument the Republicans always leave out the part of “well regulated” from their beloved 2nd Amendment.

  2. Bob Andron says:

    Amazing. The delusion and self-aggrandizement is simply amazing. I stopped laughing at stuff like this 12 years ago when W ascended.

  3. rgt7670 says:

    …and the extreme irony that they’re such a bastion of hope between the feds and NC citizens that they are requiring the same federal government to set up the state’s insurance exchange.

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