Trump’s base has the power in Republican politics; Trump does not

I really liked this from David Graham as it hits a theme that Jonathan Bernstein has argued so compellingly.  Trump is simply a very weak president.  His ability to accomplish his aims, insofar as they ever deviate from that of Congressional Republicans, is just extraordinarily weak.  He gave them conservative judges– they want that.  He gave them tax cuts– they want that.  But has there been anything when it’s Trump vs. Congress not Trump’s base vs. Congress where he got his way?  I love how Graham explains this:

In the next few days, President Donald Trump will have to make a decision about what to do with the National Defense Authorization Act. It’s a clunky name for a straightforward bill—it dictates how the military budget is spent—and it used to be what was known as “must-pass” legislation, because no Congress would dare fail to fund the troops, and no president would dare veto it.