Surely vandalism will win me over to the Palestinian cause!

If I didn’t know better, I’d have to seriously consider whether some of the Palestinian protesters and activists were not some kind of secret op from Israel.  Rather than winning sympathy to their cause they primarily seem interested in 1) demonstrating their virtue to other activists, and 2) pissing off normies through closing off traffic, shutting down campuses, etc.  I think a lot of what Israel is doing in Gaza is unconscionable (I also think Israel has a right to exist and defend itself within reason and that Hamas is evil).  

But, damn, defacing the symbol of my campus (and literally a memorial to dead soldiers on Memorial Day) is just so wrong and sure as hell not going to win me or anybody else over to the Palestinian cause.  What do these people think they’re accomplishing?  They are surely doing worse than nothing to actually help those suffering in Gaza.

Out on my way to work at NC State this morning, I noticed the NC State Belltower was desecrated by red paint, with Gaza, Raffah, and PAL written on the sides, along with red hand prints and red paint spattered all over the sides.