How’s my AI policy?

Sorry for the lack of content this week.  I’ve been really busy getting ready for classes starting on Monday.  It should be no surprise to you that I’ve been thinking a lot about what to do regarding AI for written assignments.  This policy basically came to me while driving to lunch today and I feel pretty good about it.  But, I can still change it before Tuesday.  Let me know what you think!

AI Policy

  • AI (ChatGPT, etc.) is a useful tool for generating ideas and for improving your writing. I will not penalize you simply for using AI-generated text.  That said, you, as the human, are fully responsible for what you end up submitting.  If you overly-rely on AI and include fake/hallucinated references, AI-generated false statements, etc., your grade will be substantially penalized. 
  • Furthermore, the capacity for AI to write really nice sentences about American Government means my grading will place great emphasis on the things which AI cannot do well and reflect your engagement in this course.  AI is very poor at backing up claims with actual, relevant references, so I will be paying particular attention to that.  Furthermore, while AI can write coherently on all sorts of aspects of American government and political science, it has quite clearly not been a student in this class and I will therefore be placing great emphasis on your ability to demonstrate you have learned concepts particular to/emphasized within this particular class. 
  • If you do use AI assistance in the writing of your assignment, I would like you to indicate so, the tool, and the nature of the assistance within you references.  E.g., “ChatGPT: I used ChatGPT to read over my paper and improve the overall writing style.  I asked it to help me create a basic organization structure for this assignment.” 

And here’s an AI image for college AI policy: